Elevate Your Capabilities Deck with AI: A Recent Study Shows GPT-4 Outperforms Humans!

I totally understand the struggle of impressing investors and securing funding for your business. Crafting a knockout pitch deck that captivates their attention and seals the deal is no easy feat. But I’ve got some exciting news that could change the game for you. According to a recent study, AI-powered GPT-4 is outperforming humans in the pitch deck creation process!

In this study, GPT-4, an advanced AI system developed by OpenAI, was put to the test against human creators. And below is what they discovered:

  • GPT-4-generated pitch decks were rated a whopping 2x more convincing than those made by humans
  • Investors and business owners were 3x more likely to invest after reviewing a GPT-4 pitch deck
  • 1 in 5 investors and business owners who experienced GPT-4 pitch decks expressed their willingness to invest $10,000 or more

This recent study proves that AI is changing the game in the pitch deck creation process. GPT-4 understands context, generates logical and coherent text, and knows how to create pitch deck copy and flow that leaves a lasting impression.

You can view the full study here.

So while the design of your pitch deck is really important (in the coming weeks I’ll share some of my favorite AI deck design tools), using AI to first help you create and refine your pitch deck copy and structure is a great way to optimize your pitch. It’s like having a secret weapon for securing that much-needed funding!